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The Legislative Process in Texas

The Texas legislature meets once every two years for 140 days to pass a budget, fund our state agencies and programs, and consider the legislative business of the state. At TNP, we are the only NP organization that is 100% dedicated to monitoring, advancing, and defending NP legislation and practice in Texas. Each session, we work closely with lawmakers, our nursing colleagues, and healthcare coalitions to advance policy priorities for Texas NPs and patients.

Expanding Access to Healthcare and Allowing Full and Direct Access to Texas Nurse Practitioners

The 89th Legislative Session took off on January 14, 2025. Stay tuned to our Capitol Watch and members-only updates for up-to-the-minute information on TNP’s bills as they move through the legislative process. 

During the last legislative session, TNP worked to pass several key bills, including legislation to expand NP representation and peer review requirements for the Texas Board of Nursing, increase funding for nursing education, and remove signature barriers for NPs. Missed our 88th session recap?

Legislative Sessions

View TNP Bills

TNP’s Agenda for the 89th Legislative Session

TNP works to advance legislation to improve access to quality, accessible, cost-effective healthcare for all Texans and remove barriers to nurse practitioners. Our priority agenda items for this session are:

Expanding Access and Removing Barriers (SB 9-1-1, SB 1859/HB 3794)

TNP supports legislation that would expand patient access to quality, local healthcare by changing outdated Texas laws requiring nurse practitioners (NPs) to contract with a physician before they can practice. Removing this unnecessary and often costly barrier would allow NPs to provide care to the people who need it the most, especially in rural and medically underserved areas hit hardest by our workforce crisis.

Schedule II Prescriptive Authority (HB 1948)

TNP supports legislation that would ensure adequate prescriptive authority for NPs and extend physician delegated Schedule II prescriptive authority to all NPs, regardless of practice setting or specialty. Texas is only one of a handful of states that does not extend Schedule II prescriptive authority to NPs, and such restrictions harm their ability to treat patients with mental health conditions, cancer, chronic disease, and other illnesses in a variety of practice settings. It also prevents hospital based NPs from being able to write timely discharge prescriptions for their patients, contributing to delays in care and increased costs for hospitals and patients.

Removing In-network Insurance Requirements (HB 1942)

TNP supports legislation that would remove the requirement that NPs be in the same health insurance network as their delegating physician.Texas Senate Bill 654 (85R) eliminated this requirement for Medicaid/CHIP in 2017, but commercial plans were left out. Getting rid of this insurance barrier is necessary to keep pace with the growing numbers of NPs providing primary care in Texas and to increase network adequacy in areas with healthcare provider shortages.

Board Procedures (HB 861/SB 268)

TNP supports legislation that would require regulatory agencies to refer any complaints for a licensed individual to the appropriate board of jurisdiction. For example, if a complaint against an NP were submitted to the Texas Medical Board (TMB), the TMB would be required to refer this complaint to the Texas Board of Nursing, the board of jurisdiction for NPs.

Graduate Nursing Education

A key component of addressing the nursing and primary care workforce in Texas is addressing the educational pipeline for nurses at every level of practice and across all specialties. TNP supports legislation to increase funding and identify new opportunities to invest in graduate nursing programs, including loan repayment assistance programs for NPs, funding for graduate nursing faculty, clinical training and preceptorships, and student scholarships.

Want to Support Our Efforts?

Share Our Patient Voices

Share our Patient Voices video about the positive impact NPs have on their patients’ lives.

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Advocate for Full NP Practice Authority

Send information to your legislators or colleagues about the benefits of full practice authority for NPs by sharing a new T.L.L. Temple Foundation report.

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Texas Women Need Access to Care

Texas is among the lowest performing states for women's health outcomes. Texas women and moms desperately need access to care, especially in our rural and underserved communities.

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Grassroots Action Center

Schedule a Legislative Visit

Interested in coming to Austin or visiting your legislator locally in the district? Contact You can also apply for our Legislative Ambassador vacancies.

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How do I find my state legislators?

The Texas Legislature Online (TLO) Website allows Texans to identify their U.S. and State representatives.

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