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Coalitions & Alliances

Each session, TNP works closely with lawmakers, our nursing colleagues, and healthcare coalitions to advance policy priorities for Texas NPs and patients. Below is an overview of our key Coalitions and Alliances.

Texans for Healthcare Access is comprised of over 40 organizations representing consumers, business, and a broad range of health care stakeholders. These groups have joined forces to remove unnecessary barriers to care and allow Advanced Practiced Registered Nurses (APRNs) to provide more access and more options for Texas patients.

Contact to join the Coalition or learn more.

The APRN Alliance is a partnership of APRN organizations that seek to advance common interests with a unified voice. As an informal collaborative, our focus is improving the practice environment for APRNs in Texas and access to care for their patients. All participating organizations are equal partners.

Recent successes include a joint effort to change regulations in Texas to allow APRNs to order and prescribe durable medical equipment (DME) for patients in Medicaid/CHIP programs.

Launched in the fall of 2015, the APRN Alliance includes the:

  • Consortium of Texas Certified Nurse-Midwives
  • Texas Association of Nurse Anesthetists
  • Texas Clinical Nurse Specialists
  • Texas Nurse Practitioners
  • Texas Nurses Association

Other Healthcare Coalitions

TNP is a member of the Women’s Healthcare Coalition, the Children’s Health Coverage Coalition (previously CHIP Coalition), and Texas Coalition for Healthy Minds. In collaboration with these groups, TNP advocates for broader healthcare access issues such as telemedicine and telehealth, rural broadband, mental health, and addressing healthcare disparities.