We’re committed to supporting your efforts to develop and retain top APRN talent and helping your company shine. TNP’s corporate memberships are designed to meet the needs of organizations with APRN workforces of all types and sizes.
TNP Corporate Memberships
We invite your organization to experience the exclusive benefits of TNP’s Corporate Membership program.

TNP’s FREE Corporate Membership Includes:
- A complimentary membership for your designated corporate contact ($165 value annually)
- Discounted membership for your company’s APRNs ($25 off for each APRN annually)
- Recognition as a Corporate Member on TNP’s website, with direct links to your website ($300 value annually)
- Full member benefits for your company’s TNP members —12 free annual on-demand CEs, practice updates, deep discounts on conferences and resources ($500 value)
- A quarterly list of your company’s APRNs who joined or renewed through your corporate membership
Customize and enhance your company’s membership by becoming a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Corporate Member!
Your company will receive all the benefits included in our free membership, plus enhanced benefits.
Corporate Spotlight: Featured in Corporate Member social media posts highlighting your company and in TNP’s Quarterly Pulse Publication. (Good PR is priceless!)
Policy Meetings/Updates: Biannual policy meetings and updates with TNP’s Director of Government Affairs. ($500 value)
Consultation with TNP’s Regulatory Counsel: On NP scope of practice and related questions. ($500 value)
Case Management and Support: For issues related to state-funded programs, such Medicaid and CHIP reimbursement. ($500 value)
Job Recruitment: 50% discount on premium recruitment package that includes emails to Texas NPs, top positioning on website page and search results, and access to TNP’s resume bank. ($180 value per posting)
Exhibit Discount at TNP’s Pharmacology Conference: 25% off exhibit fee ($300 value)
Exhibit Discount at TNP’s Annual Conference: 25% off exhibit fee ($500 value).
If you have questions about our Corporate Memberships, please contact Connie Rentz at connie@texasnp.org.