Is a resource uniquely tailored for our members to empower you with the knowledge, skills, and resources to become an effective advocate for full practice authority for NPs. With detailed guides and templates on tracking the legislative process, mastering the art of storytelling, engaging with the media, and leveraging social media platforms, the toolkit will equip you with the tools you need to influence policy and ultimately transform the healthcare landscape in Texas. (Note: you must be logged in to see toolkit)
Grassroots Action Center
Your role as an NP is not just a profession—it's a calling to serve, heal, and advocate for the well-being of your patients and community. As frontline healthcare providers, NPs in Texas have witnessed firsthand the challenges that patients face due to regulatory barriers that limit access to care. Achieving full practice authority for Texas NPs is a critical step toward dismantling these barriers and ensuring that all Texans have timely access to high-quality healthcare services.

Featured Videos
Check out our teaser videos for the main sections of the TNP Advocacy Toolkit: The Legislative Process, Tracking Bills, Contacting Your State Legislators, Storytelling, Educating the Media, Public & Stakeholders, and Social Media. To learn more about each content area, download the full toolkit.
The Texas Legislative Process
Explore how the Texas Legislature operates, from its structure to how a bill becomes law, and how you can get involved.
Tracking Bills
Learn how to use the Texas Legislature Online, or TLO, to keep an eye on legislation that impacts your practice and your patients.
Contacting Your Legislators
Identify your state legislators using the TLO ‘Who Represents Me’ tool and stay informed by subscribing to your legislators’ updates and following them on social media.
Walk through the steps of how to craft compelling personal stories and harness the power of storytelling to fuel your advocacy efforts.
Educating the Media
Explore resources and sample scripts for pitching a story to a local reporter, writing a letter to the editor, or collecting patient stories as part of our Patient Voices campaign.
Social Media
Learn how to engage with social media posts, share relevant content, and tag your legislators to get your message in front of them.

Schedule a Legislative Visit
Interested in coming to Austin or visiting your legislator locally in the district? Contact You can also apply for our Legislative Ambassador vacancies.

How do I find my state legislators?
The Texas Legislature Online (TLO) Website allows Texans to identify their U.S. and State representatives.