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On-Demand CE Center

Welcome to TNP’s Online CE Center, where NPs can obtain Texas-specific CEs and more! We offer timely, high-quality CEs along with a variety of free educational webinars.

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Course Title and DescriptionTX RequiredCE CategoriesCE HoursMember PriceNon-Member PriceRegisterDescription
Prescription Monitoring ProgramTX ReqPrescription Monitoring Program2$50 $125REGISTERMillions of controlled substances are prescribed each year in the U.S. and overdose deaths are still occurring. This activity will review the Texas Prescription Monitoring Program, the current atmosphere surrounding opioid prescribing, and update participants on documentation, interventions, and the newest 2022 CDC clinical practice guidelines.
Management of Pain in Any SettingTX ReqOpioids, Pharmacy, DEA and Ethics/Jurisprudence1$25 $75REGISTERThis seminar targets APRNs practicing in any practice environment initiating or continuing treatment of pain syndromes. The information is designed to inform and update the audience regarding best practices. The seminar will review the latest rules and regulations, assessment of the patient’s opioid appropriateness, drug seeking behaviors, maintenance of provider-patient relationship after opioid concerns arise, and key conversation points.
Pain Assessment in Any SettingTX ReqOpioids, DEA and Ethics/Jurisprudence1$25 $75REGISTERThis seminar targets new and experienced Advanced Practice Registered Nurses practicing in any private practice setting that initiates treatment for or provides continuing treatment of pain syndromes. The seminar provides a comprehensive description of the required elements of a pain assessment, follow up visit assessment needs, both when a Controlled Substance is used as part of a pain management treatment plan and when it is not, special referral considerations, and compliance monitoring best practices.
Advance Care in Outpatient Geriatric PracticeTX ReqGeriatrics1$25 $75REGISTERNursing leadership is crucial for enhancing workforce development and implementing innovative practice models for advance care planning. This program outlines how a nurse practitioner led changes in a geriatric outpatient clinic practice to expand advance care planning services, aligning with the delivery of age-friendly healthcare.
Frailty DemystifiedTX ReqGeriatrics1$25 $75REGISTERFrailty in the aging population is frequently misunderstood and overlooked in clinical settings, leading to inadequate assessment and management, which increases the risk of disability and mortality among older adults. This presentation aims to demystify the often misunderstood geriatric syndrome of frailty, highlighting its significance in the care of the aging population within primary care settings. It offers an in-depth look at the complexities of frailty. Practical screening and management approaches will be discussed to equip nurse practitioners with the tools necessary to address frailty effectively in older adults.
Ethics and JurisprudenceTX ReqEthics/Jurisprudence2$50 $125REGISTERThis course will increase your knowledge of nursing and bioethical principles and how they apply to advanced practice nursing.  You will also gain understanding of the standards of nursing practice as outlined by the Texas Nursing Practice Act and the Texas Board of Nursing Rules and Regulations. The course will cover professional boundaries and unprofessional conduct as well as professional responsibilities related to reporting unprofessional conduct.
Texas Law and The NP Scope of PracticeTX ReqEthics/Jurisprudence1$25$75REGISTERScope of practice for the nurse practitioner goes beyond the Texas Board of Nursing’s nurse practice act and regulations. Additional Texas State laws impact the NP’s scope of practice. This session will explore how Texas State laws shape the nurse practitioner’s scope of practice.
2025 Pharm Conf On DemandTX ReqPharmacy, Geriatrics12$300$500REGISTERPlease view the conference brochure for more information, or click the register button to see what this bundle includes. 
Enhancing HIV Patient CarePrimary Care1FREE$75REGISTERThe primary objective is to educate non-HIV specialist providers in Texas on how to improve communication surrounding HIV. The secondary objective is to update providers on best practices for current testing, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of HIV.
Impacts of Social Isolation on DementiaTX ReqGeriatrics1FREE$75REGISTERDementia is a real factor in the lives of many individuals and families with a recognized mortality as the sixth leading cause of death, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) was identified by one in 10 people aged 45 and older and of those 41% indicate they had to give up on their day-to-day activities based on 2023 data from the CDC. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, of the estimated 10% of the population aged 65 and older with AD, there are an estimated 81% who are older than 75 years of age. This presentation will explore the following aspects as they relate to dementia: social isolation, covid-19 impact, dementia symptoms, and behaviors, education and understanding of dementia, safety, and coping with dementia will be discussed.
New FDA Approved DrugsTX ReqPharmacy1FREE$75REGISTERThe content addressed in this activity will cover common medications seen in the 2023-24 drug shortage.  The activity will also review novel medications for pediatric conditions, rare conditions, and common conditions such as COPD, hypertension, and infection. Lastly, learners will learn about two severe adverse effects and drug-drug interactions seen with a variety of medications including the new agents discussed.
Acute Chest Pain in Primary CarePrimary Care1FREE$75REGISTERThis webinar will provide evidence-based content of an acute MI (STEMI vs non-STEMI), pericarditis, aortic dissection, tension pneumothorax, and esophageal perforation. The learner will be able to recognize the symptoms associated with acute coronary syndrome compared to other distinguishing disease processes and interpret a 12-lead EKG to distinguish electrophysiologic changes during an acute MI from an arrhythmia.
Acute and Chronic Non-Narcotic Pain Medication Pain Management1FREE$75REGISTERChronic pain patients have been given little treatment options since the “opioid crisis” has put limitations on prescribing. Given the body of evidence, health care providers must educate themselves on the safe and judicious use of sex and other pituitary hormones as a non-narcotic adjunctive therapy for their chronic pain population.
Insights into Inflammation: Navigating Body Systems Primary Care1FREE$75REGISTERThis webinar will discuss insights to Inflammation, that will discuss body systems and inflammation, the COVID-19 Connection, specific inflammatory conditions and management strategies.
Mental Health Screening in Primary CarePrimary Care1FREE$75REGISTERThe content addressed in this activity will showcase the importance of mental health screening in practice for pediatric, adult, and geriatric clients related to current mental health trends, and describe evidence-based practice screening guidelines for each population. Included will be details and links to screening tools, resources for additional education, and information for when to refer.
Demystifying Urine Drug TestPrimary Care1FREE$75REGISTERHow challenging is it to interpret urine drug test (UDT) results for chronic pain patients who are using opioids? At first glance, it might seem like we are simply checking for the presence of opioids in the urine. However, recent research and updated pain management guidelines recommend transitioning from immunoassay screens to liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). LC-MS is a more accurate method that can detect illicit drug use, undisclosed prescription opioid use, or any attempts at simulated compliance. The results of urine drug tests can also uncover problematic behaviors, particularly due to the possibility of false positives and false negatives.
Imaging StewardshipPrimary Care1FREE$75REGISTERThis presentation will provide primary care providers (PCPs) a guide when treating patients with musculoskeletal conditions and ordering imaging. Knowing how to perform a focused exam, documentation, diagnostic testing and treatment will lower the cost, improve patient outcomes and expedite referral to orthopaedics.
Pediatric Mental HealthPediatric, Mental Health1FREE$75REGISTERThis seminar on Pediatric Mental Health will discuss the importance of the incorporation of the family unit and it's impact on the treatment of the patient. Join Dr. Jamon Blood as he discusses mental health as pertains to the pediatric population, from anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder and depression among other conditions.
Lung Cancer ScreeningPrimary1FREE$75REGISTERThis continuing education activity regarding lung cancer screening (LCS) will include the background & significance of Lung Cancer as well as the 5 Ws and 1 H that all healthcare providers should know about LCS & Management.
Human Trafficking: Raising Awareness TX ReqHuman Trafficking1$25$75REGISTERThis course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to be prepared to effectively respond to a situation of human trafficking in a clinical environment. You will explore healthcare response to trafficking, identify principles of trauma-informed care in caring for potentially trafficked persons, analyze best practices for response to victims in the clinical environment, discover elements of a trafficking protocol for healthcare organizations, and describe the role of the healthcare provider in prevention, identification, referral, treatment, aftercare, and advocacy for trafficking victims.
Negotiating ContractsPractice Management1FREE$75REGISTERData shows that NPs just entering the profession, or ones seeking out a new job in their field are not negotiating to their full capacity – accepting contracts that are below average. This Educational offering serves to answer questions pertaining to negotiating contracts and best prepare students to venture deeper into their careers.
eTobacco ProtocolPrimary Care1FREE$75REGISTERIntegrating tobacco screening in clinical settings is an evidence-based approach to tobacco cessation. As tobacco dependence is a chronic disease, patients need multiple opportunities to quit, which makes it critical to consistently assess tobacco use and make cessation opportunities available in clinical settings. The Texas Quitline is a free tobacco cessation support service that offers counseling and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for Texans who are ready to quit. Patients are more likely to quit when providers actively connect them to proactive cessation support.
You've Got Anemia, Now What?TX ReqPrimary Care, Pharmacology1FREE$75REGISTERAnemia is encountered in all areas of medicine. It is important to know how to identify anemia and how to best approach it in the specific field of medicine you are practicing. This lecture aims to provide an overview of anemia and how to approach it from a general practitioner's standpoint. This is done through real life case studies to engage the viewer and apply the textbook information into clinical practice. It also aims to help providers identify when a formal hematology evaluation is needed.
Opioids & DEA: 2024 TX ReqDEA, Opioids, and Pharmacy2$50 $125REGISTERThis program will cover defining pain, the cost of pain, and an overview of the problem. It will then go on to ensure that you are up-to-date and in the know regarding the Texas BON, policy response, DEA recommendations, CDC Practice Guidelines and APRN requirements. Opioid Addiction is a real problem. This webinar will also address addiction risk, misuse and abuse of controlled substances and evaluation and clinical reasoning, patient evaluation, screening tools, and more!
Opioids: Pharmacokinetics and PharmacodynamicsTX ReqOpioids, DEA, Pharmacy, and Ethics/Jurisprudence 1$25$75REGISTERThis seminar targets Nurse Practitioners who treat pain in any practice setting. We will discuss potential ethical dilemmas in treating pain, proper monitoring techniques, analysis of Urine Drug Screen (UDS) results, crucial conversations, and tapering schedules. This seminar will give the clinician the information to consider when resolving this conflict. Specific topics to be covered include, ethical considerations of pain treatments, common opioid pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and number needed to treat for common complaints, rules regarding UDS frequency, analysis of results, and implications of the results and more!
Opioids Alternatives & DEA: 2024TX ReqDEA1$25 $75REGISTERThis webinar will cover Opioid Alternatives as it relates to clinical practice challenges, mitigating risk and it will walk through case studies. It will also cover biopsychosocial approaches to care: non-opioid pharmacology, non-pharmacologic therapies and patient education.
Opioids: Treating Pain, Mitigating Risks TX ReqDEA, Pharmacy and Opioids2$50$125REGISTERThis course will equip the learner gain an increased awareness of trends of substance abuse or misuse of prescribed opioid medications in Texas, risk factors that place a patient at higher risk for abuse or misuse, and strategies to utilize to minimize patient harm related to abuse or misuse including using less risky treatment options before prescribing opioid medications.
Entry Into Practice - Three-Course Discounted Bundle Practice Management6$120 $345REGISTERThis three-part bundle includes courses that will cover Licensure & Prescription Authority Update, Application & Licensure Checklist, Coding, Billing and Charting, Resiliency, Leadership and Transition to NP. You can buy this bundled course and save $30 or purchase the courses separately. 
Resiliency, Leadership, Transition + Negotiating ContractsPractice Management2$50 $125REGISTER

Entry Into Practice: Part Three
This webinar is offered as part of the Entry into Practice bundle and as a standalone topic. 

This webinar will equip you with strategies to avoid pitfalls in the transition to practice, promote self-care practices, and demonstrate effective leadership skills. You will also obtain a greater knowledge of negotiating and understanding employment agreements and contracts, skills essential for entering into practice!

Coding, Billing and ChartingPractice Management2$50 $125REGISTEREntry Into Practice: Part Two
This webinar is offered as part of the Entry into Practice bundle and as a standalone topic. 
This course will provide an introduction to International Classification of Disease, and to Coding and Billing in the inpatient and outpatient setting. It will also explore current procedural terminology used in the primary care setting, evaluation and management codes, medical decision-making in the primary care setting and more.
Prescriptive Authority Update + Application and Licensure Checklist Practice Management2$50$125REGISTER

Entry into Practice: Part One
This webinar is offered as part of the Entry into Practice bundle and as a standalone topic. 
This webinar will cover APRN licensure physician delegation requirements for APRN practice, delegation of prescriptive authority, and how to maintain appropriate documentation of compliance. It will also cover the process of pursuing each certification, licensure, and credential required to transition to practice as a nurse practitioner. You will obtain the confidence to complete the applications required to obtain the certificates, licenses and credentials required to transition to practice as a nurse practitioner.