Earlier this year, Governor Abbott sent a letter to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) directing them to create a task force to address healthcare workforce shortages in Texas to meet the demands of our growing state. On June 7, Gov. Abbott and the THECB announced the inaugural members of the Healthcare Workforce Task Force. Three TNP leaders, including Cindy Weston, Lutricia Harrison, and Holly Jeffreys, were selected to serve as advisory members in substantive workgroups.
“This highly qualified group of experts, industry leaders, and individuals from Texas’ top-tier higher education institutions will ensure Texas can expand our healthcare workforce to meet the needs of all Texans for generations to come,” Gov. Greg Abbott said in his press release announcing the Task Force appointments.
Nursing shortages impact every area of the state – from bedside nursing shortages to shortages of primary care and mental health providers. Over the next several months, the Healthcare Workforce Task Force will be tackling issues related to the workforce pipeline, including sufficient clinical placement sites and retaining qualified clinical faculty.
TNP would like to extend a congratulations to the NP appointees to the THECB Healthcare Workforce Task Force.