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TNP Board Nominations

Call for Nominations 2024 TNP Board of Directors

Nominations are now open for the TNP Board of Directors and will close on March 15. There are four openings on the TNP Board of Directors and the four individuals with the most votes will be elected to fill these vacancies. Once a slate is developed, candidates will be asked to prepare a 90-120 second video campaign message that will be provided to voting members of TNP. Elections by the general membership occur in May and results are posted by June 1 of each year. Term of office will begin after the Annual Conference in 2024. If you have any questions regarding the nomination process, please contact Emily Eastin.


(Article 4.7: TNP Bylaws, 2022)

  1. Be licensed as a Nurse Practitioner in Texas; in good standing by the Texas Board of Nursing; and must reside in the state of Texas.
  2. Have been a dues paying, voting member of Texas Nurse Practitioners for a minimum of three consecutive years.
  3. Have served on a TNP Committee, Task Force or Advisory Group within the last two years.

Duties of the Board of Directors

(Article 4.2: TNP Bylaws, 2022)

The Board of Directors shall govern the business affairs of the Association. The Board of Directors shall determine the policies and activities of the Association, advise and consent on the Association’s committees, task forces, and advisory boards and exercise all such powers of the Association and do all such lawful acts and things as are permitted by law, by the Articles of Incorporation or by these Bylaws, unless otherwise expressly provided herein.

Governance by the Board:

A. Will supervise, control and provide direction of the affairs, committees, publications, policies, and distribution of Association funds.
B. May take a position and express an opinion on behalf of TNP on issues relevant to the NP profession.
C. May adopt policies for the conduct of its business as are deemed necessary.

Board Expectations and Specific Responsibilities

Expectations for all Board of Directors:

  • Carry out any duties assigned by the president which include (but are not limited to) committee assignments and task force assignments.
  • Regularly monitor email. TNP uses email for the majority of communication and as a means for distributing information, eliciting electronic voting, and communication between all members.
  • Actively recruit membership in TNP.
  • Contribute as an individual to the TNP PAC and/or TNP Advocacy Fund and actively solicit contributions from colleagues and/or your local group.

Responsibilities of all Board of Directors:

  • Review materials for board meetings and be prepared to discuss agenda items
  • Approve annual budget
  • Travel related to board meetings
  • Represent TNP at meetings and functions when requested by the President
  • Collegial relationship with all staff
  • Attend all board meetings which are held monthly via Zoom and in person during Spring and Fall Conference
  • Other responsibilities as appointed by the President.

Review Prior to Starting an Application Campaign guidelines:

No solicitation of votes by candidates will be allowed, except as outlined in the TNP Election Campaign
Process and Procedures.

Candidate activities NOT allowed for campaigning purposes include but are not limited to:

  • Use of social and electronic media, such as posting campaign information on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms.
  • Use of an TNP Connect to distribute campaign information.
  • Distribution of campaign materials, such as buttons, pens and direct mail pieces.
  • Soliciting or encouraging others to campaign on their behalf.
  • Campaigning by an individual for the purpose of endorsing a candidate or providing negative comments or information about candidates to discourage voting support for this candidate.
  • Conducting public speeches, phone solicitation, articles or editorials.

TNP has developed a campaign policy allowing candidates equal access to TNP members during the election process. Each candidate is responsible for compliance with the approved campaign policy procedures, as follows:

  1. Candidate information will be placed on the meet the candidates documents, which will include the candidate’s video message and information provided by the candidate on their nomination application.
  2. Election information will be published in TNP’s e-newsflash, and on TNP’s website.
  3. TNP affiliates may contact eligible voting members of their organization to encourage them to exercise their right to vote but may not endorse any specific candidate.
  4. Campaign guidelines will be published in the official Call for Nominations.
  5. If a candidate has possibly violated any portion of the campaign policy, this will be referred to the chair of the nominating committee. If a violation occurred, a recommendation will then be sent to the full TNP Board of Directors, with the possibility of removing the candidate from the ballot or voiding that candidate’s election.

Please review the documents above prior to completing an application. In addition, review the responsibilities of the board of directors as well.

Code of Conduct
Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality
Campaign Policy
Helpful Application Tips

Ready to Start an Application

To complete a nomination form and be considered for the slate of candidates, click here.