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Last year Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 (CAA 2023), which requires all Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) registrants to complete at least eight hours of training on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders. This is a one-time requirement and will apply to most TNP Members.

The DEA released a letter to provide additional information for providers. Completion of the eight-hour training requirement must be affirmed on the DEA registrant’s next scheduled DEA registration occurring on or after June 27, 2023. This includes renewals and initial registrations.

In its letter, the DEA clarified that both new trainings and previously completed trainings—including the DATA 2000 Waiver training—can count toward this requirement if those trainings are on the treatment and management of patients with opioid and other substance use disorders and are accredited by designated organizations. Additionally, providers do not have to complete all eight hours in one training as long as the total CE credits add up to eight or more hours.

SAMHSA issued its recommendations for curricular elements in substance use disorder training. The American Society of Addiction Medicine is one of the organizations offering courses that will satisfy the new DEA requirement.

TNP currently has 4 hours that count toward this requirement. They can be accessed on our online CE Center. We plan to provide additional continuing education to help meet these DEA training requirements. Stay tuned for more information as we update our course offerings.